The IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS) on the topics of informatics and computing in healthcare and life sciences. “Integrative informatics for precision and preventive medicine” is the main theme of the BHI-2018. BHI-2018 will provide a unique forum to showcase enabling technologies devices and sensors, databases, systems, signals, and big data analytics that optimize the acquisition, transmission, processing, monitoring, storage, retrieval, analysis, visualization and interpretation of vast volumes multi-modality biomedical and related social, behavior, environmental, and geographical data. It will also demonstrate the deployment of BHI informatics solutions that integrate several technologies including machine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), mHealth, e-Health, human computer interface, telemedicine, bioinformatics, sensors, imaging, and public health monitoring, to achieve patient-centric, outcome-driven health care. BHI-2018 has the following five tracks: Bioinformatics; Imaging Informatics; Sensor Informatics; Clinical Informatics; and Public Health Informatics.
Proposals for Special Sessions
Special sessions within BHI-2018 will feature invited talks from leading researchers covering recent trends on a specialized topic in multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of health informatics, life sciences, health care, clinical applications, behavioral informatics, health data analytics and health informatics education. Non-technical talks on topics such as research funding, entrepreneurship, or technology transfer may also be included. All submissions in special sessions will be required to follow the 1-page abstract format and will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Conference Proceedings. There is no requirement for full-length papers submission, but authors interested in publishing their paper in the Conference Proceedings, may submit, in addition to their 1-page abstract, a 4-page paper, following the corresponding guidelines and deadline for full-length paper submission. Slightly different titles should be used for the two submissions. A typical special session will consist of 6 invited talks and will be scheduled under a Conference Theme and Track with a 90 minute time slot during the conference. Each invited paper will have a 12 minutes oral presentation slot, while a panel discussion on all presented papers will take place at the end of the session.
Proposal Submission
Please submit your special session proposal using the template through the Papercept management system, selecting the option “Submit a contribution to BHI 2018” and then in the Type of Submission select “Special Session Proposal”. The system will then guide you to submit your proposal.
Key Dates
Oct 12 2017
Submission Deadline of Special Session Proposals
Oct 20 2017
Acceptance Notification of Special Sessions Proposals
Nov 20 2017
Submission Deadline of Special Session 1-Page Papers
Dec 10 2017
Acceptance Notification of Special Session Papers