Deadline for Proposal Submission: Please check Website for current date
The program for BSN 2018 will feature workshops that serve to bring new and emerging areas of interest to the BSN community. Each workshop may be delivered by a group of leading researchers and pioneers in their respective areas in a half-day or full-day format with a nominal fee charged to registrants. The duration of a Workshop is expected to be a half day (two time-slots of 90 min each), although full day workshops can also be considered. A scientific committee will be established by the Workshop organizers to ensure the quality of presentations and materials offered to Workshop registrants. Please note that Workshops will be scheduled on March 4th. BSN 2018 will feature two categories of workshops:
Regular workshops will cover current and future trends on multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of body sensor networks, such as emerging trends on materials, sensors, wearable and implantable devices, integration of IoT technologies, development of online and offline algorithms and systems for data analytics and visualization, sensor biofeedback mechanisms, just-in-time interventions for behavior change, data security, entrepreneurship, etc. Workshop organizers will establish a scientific review committee to review the presentations and materials offered to Workshop registrants. Workshop submissions will be included in the digital program of BSN 2018 but will not appear in IEEE Xplore Proceedings. Regular Workshops can be organized by a project consortium, bearing in mind that the content should sufficiently fit within the technical areas of BSN.
Tutorial workshops will provide reviews of a specific area related to body sensor networks, including current research directions, challenges, and state-of-the-art practices, but may also involve registrants through a hands-on experience or demonstrations. Tutorials can be organized by a company, a group of companies or a group of leading researchers featuring presentations/papers/panels that will not undergo review by the BSN 2018 TPC.
Prospective organizers of Special Sessions should submit proposals indicating:
- Title of the Workshop
- Motivation, indicating the novelty of the topic, relevance to BSN, and why it is timely
- Short CV of the organizers
- Structure, indicating the format of the workshop and identifying the inclusion of keynote speakers, panel, invited papers, technical sessions, etc.
- List of potential speakers. Workshop organizers should contact the speakers and secure their participation to the workshop.
Workshop proposals are to be filled out on the template and submitted through Papercept no later than the deadline. Their reception will be acknowledged. The acceptance is expected to be communicated in December 2017.