2018 IEEE International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics and Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BHI, BSN) is pleased to announce the availability of student travel grants sponsored by the National Science Foundation
The purpose of the NSF-Sponsored BHI/BSN Travel Award is to encourage students to participate in the conferences. This will allow students to meet experts in the field, discuss their research for new ideas, and network with others in the field. We cordially invite students from US-based institutions to submit their scholarship applications.
Students awarded will be expected to attend the full conference, as well as participate in the PhD Symposium, and a breakfast meeting on the final day of the conference.
The maximum provided support is intended to partially cover travel, lodging, and registration to the conferences.
Eligibility Criteria:
All US-based students are encouraged to apply. Criteria for evaluating the applications will include evidence of interest in related research and need for award.
Application Process:
The following documentation should be submitted as a single PDF document named LastName_Institution.pdf to the travel chair Bobak Mortazavi at bobakm@tamu.edu. Any questions about the award should also be directed to the Travel Chair.
A single PDF document application for travel award consideration will include:
- A one page application from the student that should discuss research interests, any research accomplishments, how attending BHI/BSN 2018 will help the students in these research interests, and any additional information that might help address the student’s desire to attend.
- A supporting letter from the student’s advisor that confirms that the PhD student is in good standing, that the student has a related research area, and that the student will benefit from attending BHI/BSN 2018. This should also indicate why the student is in need of a travel award.
- Student’s CV
- Paper Acceptance Email (if applicable)
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline – Jan 15, 2018
Notification of Award – Jan 22, 2018
Reimbursement Process:
Funds awarded will only be used toward registration, travel, dining, and lodging. As indicated above, awards will attempt to provide all necessary funding but may not necessarily cover all costs. Funds will be disbursed only in the form of reimbursements of actual expenses. This amount will be declared in the award notification. A receipt is required for any expense. Reimbursements will be sent six to eight weeks after the receipt of reimbursement forms. Details will be communicated to recipients.